Asking For Help

Thursday September 5, 2013 #556  “Once you’ve taken the time to figure out what your mission is and where you want to get to, the next step is to identify the people who can help you get there.”  ~Keith Ferrazzi  Many people do a good job of determining what is...

Every end is a beginning

Tuesday October 23, 2012 #465   “There is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens.”   ~Ralph Waldo Emerson   This is a tough one for me to write.  It is my first JAM I’ve written since my Dad’s passing last...

Express Your Appreciation

Tuesday April 7, 2009 #109 “Appreciation is like an insurance policy. It has to be renewed every now and then.”  ~Dave McIntyre None of us succeed on our own.  There are positive and negative experiences that shape who we are and how we approach each...