The Futility of Forcing Belief

Thursday March 12, 2015 #707 “To believe in your choice you don’t need to prove that other people’s choices are wrong.” ~Paulo Coelho Social media and daily conversations are filled with people attempting to persuade others to accept their views and their vision of...

Your Life

Tuesday March 10, 2015 #706 “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” ~Joseph Campbell Not always, but often, our true path lies in a direction we had never envisioned.  The moment of recognition may...

Choose Your Words

Thursday April 24, 2014 #621 “For good or ill, your conversation is your advertisement.  Every time you open your mouth you let men look into your mind. ~Bruce Barton Are your words and actions representing the person you want to be, or believe yourself to be? ...


Tuesday January 28, 2014 #597  “Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.”  ~Charles Swindoll   Our circumstances,...