Strength in Humility

Thursday July 10, 2014 #643 “Humility, I’ve learned should never be confused with meekness. Humility is being open to the ideas of others.” ~Simon Sinek The weakest people I know are those who lack the character strength to listen to and respect those with...

Finding Yourself

Thursday September 6, 2012 #452   “Some people say they haven’t yet found themselves. But the self is not something one finds; it is something one creates.”   ~Thomas Szasz   We read about people endlessly seeking their ‘true self’ through serial...

How do you define “rich”?

Thursday February 9, 2012 #393 “After all, ‘richness’ is at least as much a matter of character, of philosophy, of outlook and attitude, as it is of money. The ‘millionaire mentality’ is not – and in this day and age, cannot be –...

Improving Your Net Worth

Tuesday February 7, 2012 #392 “Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after our bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.” ~Benjamin Franklin Each of us has characteristics we can be proud of and those that we either wish we could...

Choose who you associate with wisely

Thursday January 26, 2012 #389  “Know what you look like? Look around, your closest associates will be your reflection.” ~Louis Martin Jr This is an area that most under appreciate:  Choosing your associates with intention.  Most allow their associations, both...