Changing Your Mind

Thursday May 7, 2015 #723 “The foolish and the dead never change their opinions.” ~James Russell Lowell In this constantly evolving world in which we live, we must have the character strength to allow new information and changing circumstances to challenge our...

Danger of Success

Tuesday March 24, 2015 #710 “Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops.” ~Thomas J. Watson Most people, teams, and organizations react in the same way to success:  An assumption that they have the right...

Embracing Change

Thursday October 16, 2014 #670 “Change is rarely comfortable, but always necessary – don’t resist the opportunity to be a better version of you!” ~Louis Martin Jr There are two kinds of people:  Those who fight against any change in their lives and those...

Sustainable Success

Thursday October 9, 2014 #669 “I’ve always been in the right place and time. Of course, I steered myself there.” ~Bob Hope Why do some people seem to consistently achieve more than others?  I firmly believe there must be a combination of three things:  innate and/or...

Push Beyond Fear

Tuesday April 15, 2014 #618  “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.”  ~Richard Branson  Just as the toddler only learns to walk by repeatedly trying, failing, and trying again until he succeeds, we only master...