Thursday January 30, 2014 #598


“If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially the spirit in which you are rendering it.” 

~Roger Ward Babson

make it happen


Already one month through 2014!  How is your year progressing so far in terms of your personal and professional goals and aspirations?  Chances are, some area of your life is being neglected, or at least not attended to with the focus you intended.  Before you begin thinking about what external forces are conspiring against you, I suggest you begin your reflection by looking at how you are servicing your goals, and whether your spirit is really in it.  Don’t give up on what you deemed important on January 1st.  Rather, determine if these goals feed your most deeply held beliefs and aspirations.  If so, think how you can reenergize yourself and push on.  If not, cast aside those goals that do not serve you, and redouble your efforts on those that do.  In short, make it happen.