Tuesday May 8, 2008 #34

“I learned that we can do anything, but we can’t do everything… at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything.”

 ~Dan Millman

Today’s JAM comes from Northern California subscriber LG.  Enjoy!

When a reporter once asked why Wayne Gretzky was such a phenomenal hockey player, Wayne answered: “I try to be where the puck is going to be.”

The Gretzky quote is pretty common, but my corollary is what I’ve found over the years in the technology industry (Internet and IT) and it’s so true!  My corollary: today we have a hundred (or a thousand) pucks whizzing across the ice, all going in different directions.  The key is to know WHICH puck is the RIGHT one.  I’m always looking for the right puck and trying to figure out where it’s going to be next.  It’s quite a guessing game sometimes!