Critics & Naysayers

Thursday May 28, 2015 #729 “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” ~John Wooden We all have had big dreams and aspirations.  Hopefully you still do!  However, most people’s inner critic (as well as well-meaning and not so well-meaning external...

Being Ready for Opportunities

Thursday November 14, 2013 #576   “If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.” ~Morris West   It is prudent to understand your environment including risks and your weaknesses.  However, once these...

Creating a motivational environment

Tuesday July 2, 2013 #537   “What a thrill one gets when you can see a light brighten before you in the eyes of one that listens.”   ~David K. Aaker   As leaders, we are called upon to motivate our teams.  However, it is clear that no one can be motivated...

Who you really are

Tuesday March 12, 2013 #505   “Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.”   ~Thomas Jefferson   For those of you who are hoping to ‘find yourself’, improve yourself, or otherwise understand yourself better...

Push yourself beyond the comfortable

Thursday December 13, 2012 #480   “To succeed in life we must stay within our strength zone but move out of our comfort zone.”   ~John Maxwell   As you seek your successes, start by understanding your strengths.  People often try things without preparing or...