Wild Expectations

Tuesday May 19, 2015 #726 “Nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations unless he or she begins with some wild expectations.  ~Ralph Charell Is there something outrageous you want to do or accomplish in one of the key areas of your life, be it health,...

Feeling Overwhelmed

Thursday September 25, 2014 #665 “Sometimes it can be tempting to be overwhelmed by the many things that seem to work against us. But how powerful, and how important it can be, if we don’t give in to this temptation.” ~Paula Kerger We all experience a seeming...

Success via a worthy ideal

Tuesday November 12, 2013 #575   “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”   ~Earl Nightengale   The idea of the “overnight success” is a myth.  Real, sustainable and lasting success comes progressively, incrementally, in small steps, and...