Thursday December 21, 2017 #930

“In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.”

~Albert Camus


Here we are, in the midst of winter. Depending on where you live, that may be a traditional cold environment, or perhaps only symbolic. Nevertheless, the quote asks us to remember even in the depths and coldness of the challenging circumstances and people we may face, we can find within us the strength and warmth we need to push back the challenges and the coldness of the world. The greatest source of that strength can be in the warm relationships in our personal and professional lives.
Particularly now, in this holiday season, reflect on your relationships. Are you nurturing them with the diligence you should, to ensure that you have the resources you will need during your coldest moments? Are you ready to be there for them? Bring forth your own invincible summer and melt away the cold and seemingly unmovable challenges now and those to come.