Be Curious

Tuesday July 7, 2015 #738 “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” ~Walt Disney Often times when you find yourself in a rut, the culprit is a loss of curiosity.  The...

Changing Your Thinking

Tuesday December 30, 2014 #691 “You are where you are right now because of your best thinking. If you want something different, change your thinking.” ~Tony Rush You are an amazing talent. You are driven to succeed and keep yourself in action daily toward achievement...

Sustainable Success

Thursday October 9, 2014 #669 “I’ve always been in the right place and time. Of course, I steered myself there.” ~Bob Hope Why do some people seem to consistently achieve more than others?  I firmly believe there must be a combination of three things:  innate and/or...

The Direction of Your Dreams

Thursday May 29, 2014 #631 “You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration.” ~James Allen The speed and the quality of your journey to achievement and success are largely determined by how you spend your time and...

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Thursday May 15, 2014 #627 “The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.” ~Confucius No one wants to be around people who tell us how great they are and all the things they are going to do, but actually do nothing.  We don’t want them as...