Thursday November 25, 2010 #272
“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves – regret for the past and fear of the future.”
~Fulton Oursler
Today, as many of you celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family, I invite you to reflect on today’s quote. Do you find that you spend your time in regret and fear? Or can you remove yourself from the tyranny of past and future anxiety and focus instead on gratitude for the present? Today, Thanksgiving, is a wonderful time to exercise your powers of gratitude and of being fully present in the Now. Your family and friends will benefit and so will you!
In this moment, I wish for all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving in which you internalize your heart-felt gratitude for the many blessings in your life. Gratitude even for the challenges you face – knowing that they will teach you valuable lessons for being an even more effective person in the future!
I remain grateful for your readership and the opportunity to serve so many of you with these twice-weekly messages. Please continue to send me quotes & ideas for future JAMs, your feedback, and news of your personal and professional journeys.
Happy Thanksgiving!