Thursday April 28, 2016 #800

“When we’re plagued with self-doubt or a lack of motivation, we can breathe in the inspiration of others. Seek out the passion that other people have for their work, the compassion they bring for other people, the goodness in their hearts that inspires them to do their work. We don’t have to copy what they’re doing, but instead be inspired by their spirit.”

~Leo Babauta


I find that surrounding myself with positive influences (people, experiences, what I choose to read, etc.) not only brings me more joy and happiness, but also leads to more energy and creativity, allowing me to find the courage and ingenuity to push through obstacles and achieve things for myself and people who count on me than I could ever have hoped to do otherwise.

I hope that JAM with Mike provides a bit of that for you, which drives me to write these every week.  The writing in and of itself creates positive energy for me, so I would continue even without readers.  But having over 1,000 people in my audience provides further inspiration and has kept me going year after year.  I am astounded to realize that this is my 800th JAM and I thank you with all my heart for choosing to be a member of this community!


So many of you inspire me every day, and I hope that you’ll continue to enjoy JAMmin’ with me for years to come.