Thursday February 12, 2009 #95

 “Leadership is an action, not a position.  

~Donald H. McGannon

Fellow JAMmer KT sent the following:

Maybe you could do a JAM on the necessity/effectiveness of the leader being a rock for the flock in troubled economic times.  (Look at that phrase I just coined)!!!  🙂

We are all dealing one way or another with the current economic malaise.  You needn’t be a leader by title to be a “rock for the flock”.  All of us can provide the leadership our work groups, friends, families, and communities need right now:  gratitude, calmness, a kind word, the willingness to pause and listen, a vision for a better future, and the courage to push someone to take action to make a difference for themselves or others.

There are over 300 of you reading this.  Go now and be a rock for your flock and see what a difference you can make.

Let JAM with Mike be a rock for you, my flock of JAMmers!